Arquivo de artigos
Does Team-Building Hold Water in Swimming?
07-04-2009 16:30
Current studies also demonstrate that a team’s unity surrounding a task, as well as a positive social climate, can both lend a helpful edge to performance in individual or team sports (Carron et al., 2002). On the other hand, regarding teams that emphasize fun and participation, there are...
Team cohesion and team success in sport
02-04-2009 18:27
Journal of Sports Sciences, Feb 2002 v20 i2 p119(8)
Team cohesion and team success in sport. Albert V. Carron; Steven R. Bray; Mark A. Eys.
Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2002 E & F N Spon
Accepted 10 September 2001
The main aim of this study was to examine...
Relationship between Team Sports Cohesion and Success
02-04-2009 16:15
Many of you will consider this a question with a boringly obvious answer: surely there must be a link between team cohesion and competition success? Anyone who has played in a team where everyone gets on well and communication is good feels this has a lot to do with how well the team plays....
Causes and Solutions for SL
02-04-2009 12:10
Causes of Social Loafing
According to the results of a meta-analysis study (Karau & Williams, 1993), social loafing is a pervasive phenomenon, but it does not occur when team members feel that the task or the team itself is important. It can occur when the person feels...
Nota aos visitantes
02-04-2009 11:40
Faça os seus vistantes ficarem a par das novidades e eventos na sua página o mais regularmente possível. You Necessita ter a sua página actualizada, de modo a que os visitantes se habituem a visita-lo regularmente. Pode utilizar a "alimentação" de RSS para entregar novos artigos directamente aos...
Página lançada
02-04-2009 11:39
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Novo evento
02-04-2009 11:39
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Blog principal
02-04-2009 11:39
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Itens 1 - 8 de 8